Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Summer 08.20.14

The fun zone starts here, eh!

Canadian Nationals is a different sort of show - not just because of all of the extra paperwork we have to fill out to take the horses across the border. There is a lighthearted spirit to those folks in Canada that seems to infect the entire showgrounds OR maybe its what they put in their Tim Horton's coffee that makes everyone just a little bit crazy. Regardless, it seems to bring out our best (or our worst... depending on your perspective). 

First of all, us trainers have a little more time on our hands. We took five horses up to Canada which means that every horse got worked a couple of times a day and I still had time to visit (and prank) my friends. The show began with a crazy baby-doll head arriving in our martini glass stall decoration. You know I'm not one to let an opportunity for a joke to pass by me, so on the last night where I knew that retaliation could be minimal with a few helpers we executed the prank of all pranks of the show. We borrowed a 'few' decorations from the other barns and helped fix up Price Performance Horses stalls a little bit. Also, we left them a visiting Haflinger horse in their groom stall. The pictures and the laughs were worth every moment. I look forward to the next show to see what everyone comes up with next!

Sometimes that joy and relaxation also translates to the horses and the riders. Every horse is coming back to California with roses. Shelby and Wurli had such an amazing show I even offered to clean the stalls for her for the rest of the show. Regardless of the ribbons, it was great to see each horse and rider combination get better and better which is really the ultimate joy and fun in what we do.


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Around The Barn This Week

Riding Lessons are on as scheduled. 

Jim and Shawn leave for the Saddlebred World Championship Show on August 21.You can watch the live stream at (replays are free). 


Canadian Nationals

We took 5 horses to Canadian Nationals in Brandon, MB, Canada. Our Lowe Riders once again handled, rode, and drove their butts off and every horse brought home roses. Deanna, Shelby and  Nicole made sure that each one of the horses looked amazing. Thanks again to Rhonda Karsten Training Center for stabling with us. Gene LaCroix, Jason Krohn, Brett Becker and John Golladay were also a great help to us and we are indebted for their kindness and friendship.

Congratulations to our Lowe Riders and their families!

Vendettaa and Beth Jupp
Reserve National Champion Purebred Country English Pleasure Jr Horse with Jim Lowe
Top Ten Purebred Country English Pleasure AATR
Penelope Krewse and Nicole Krueger 
National Champion HA Mares Saddle/Pleasure Type with Jim Lowe
Reserve National Champion HA Show Hack Open with Jim Lowe
Top Ten HA Country English Pleasure JOTR
Top Ten HA Country English Pleasure JTR
Top Ten HA Mounted Native Costume ATR
Top Ten HA Mounted Native Costume Open

Halsteads Deven+// and Michelle Pease Paulsen 
National Champion HA Park AATR
Reserve National Champion HA Show Hack AATR
Top Ten Pleasure Driving with Jim Lowe

Prince LOA+// and Michelle Pease Paulsen
Reserve National Champion HA Native Costume ATR
Top Ten HA Show Hack Open (Third Overall)
Top Ten HA Native Costumer Open

Wurlitzer and Shelby Scanlan
Unanimous National Champion Purebred Country Pleasure Driving ATD
National Champion Purebred Country Pleasure Driving Open with Jim Lowe

National Champion Purebred Show Hack JTR
National Champion Purebred Country English Pleasure JTR
Reserve National Champion Country English Pleasure JOTR

Thank you to all who traveled to Canada to support the barn!

Sale News

Congratulations to the Holden Family on their purchase of DA Electra (SF Specs Shocwave x DA Yours Truly by Triften)!

Congratulations to Sandhu Arabians on their purchase of WW Easter Lily (Hopes Afire x Contessa's Wine (SB)), Rhonda Karsten Buying Agent


Outside of the Barn

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is making its way through the barn. We're loving your imaginative Lowe rider videos! Tag the barn and encourage others to donate.


Join the Lowe Riders Riding Academy!

We are gearing up for lessons. Send your kids. Tell your friends. Contact us by phone using our contact information below or email us at





What's Ahead...

August 29-31 AHASC Fall Show, Santa Barbara, CA
September 17 Gayle Lampe visit, Lowe Show Horse Centre, Somis, CA 
October 17-25 US National Championships, Tulsa, OK


Contact Us

4600 Sand Canyon Road, Somis, CA 93066

Find us on Facebook